
My Podcast Listener Statistics for 2015 vs. 2016 (179% Growth)

I’m going to share with you some of my statistics for the last year *gasp.*

I am a young guy and these blog posts are actually more for me than for you. I want to be able to look back at myself and track my progress.

Let’s go through some of my statistics and findings. Then, I’ll share my thoughts on podcasting and my journey.

In 2015, my podcast had 20,880 downloads.

As you can see, there’s a spike in the second half of the year. Why is that? Well, I decided to take podcasting more seriously. I set up a regular schedule and really started to work to produce quality content.

I worked to improve my speaking voice. I was more conscious of the guests that I brought on. I really tried to deliver as much value as possible on every podcast episode.

If you want a shock, watch the YouTube video below and take a look at how my voice changed from episode 1 to the last episode I published. Woah!!

Anyway, let’s get back to the matter at hand. Let’s take a look at my numbers for this past year.

In 2016, my podcast had 58,285 downloads.

That’s an increase of 179% from last year!

Pretty cool, huh?

So why did my podcast begin to level off towards the beginning of this year? Great question!

I’ve sort of discovered a formula for creating/marketing/producing the various episodes. Once and a while, I’ll tinker with this formula, but I don’t change it up too much.

This is something that I want to change in 2017. I want to continue to become a better podcaster. I know it’s going to be tough, because I’ve reached a bit of a plateau, but I’m confident I can keep growing my skills.

I think my growth this year is going to depend on these factors:

  • How good I get at storytelling and teasing stories out of my guests
  • The quality of the guests I bring on the show
  • The topics I choose to release episodes on
  • My sales skills
  • Cultivating regular show listeners and binge listens
  • Studying the episodes that did REALLY well

I could obviously accelerate the growth by producing more than one show per week, but I don’t want to increase the frequency. I want to increase the quality. I also want to broaden my niche.

I’m also working on growing two YouTube channels and doing a product launch. I just got done writing/launching my fourth ebook of 2016.

In order to gain more insight into my podcast, let’s take a look at the other stats for my show. Most of my listeners are coming from: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, China, Spain, Hong Kong, Sweden, and France.

One way that I could improve my downloads is to create an episode with a specific guest from each of these companies. Then I could say, “Oh, by the way, go and listen to episode ___ if you’re from Spain.”

Now, which devices are my downloads coming from?

According to Libsyn, the majority of my downloads are coming from AppleCoreMedia, iTunes, itunesstored, and PodcastAddict. Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, and Firefox are also big contributors.

According to my calculations, about 19% of my downloads are coming from a web browser. That’s pretty surprising, right?!

These statistics are a testament to the fact that podcasting is alive and well. People are actually listening to my voice! I even now have people on my show who have “binge listened” to my podcast.

It’s not too late to submit your podcast to iTunes and join this new wave.

If you want some of my advice for beginners, take a look at the video down below. I hope you enjoy it. Good luck on your podcasting journey!

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