
Best 7 Books on Podcasting for 2020

Podcasting has steadily been making its way into the mainstream as the Netflix-style equivalent for audio.

More people around the world are listening to podcasts than ever before in history.

In fact, according to Convince and Convert, 47 million Americans listen to podcasts WEEKLY.

Not only are we seeing 10-20% growth year over year for the industry as a whole, but also, it’s a well-document fact that the majority of listeners (about 85%) will stick around until the end of a show.

Right now is the BEST time to start a podcast. You’ll be joining a soaring wave that’s already re-defining how consumers access entertaining and educational content.

The only problem is… there’s a lot of preparation that goes into a new show.

You need to figure out:

  • The right equipment to use
  • Which microphone(s) work well
  • How to get traffic and downloads
  • The easiest way to host the show
  • Where to find guests
  • And much more…

But – don’t worry!

The library of educational content out there in podcast is growing. You don’t have to figure it all out yourself.

You can lean on the expertise of other podcasters out there who are sharing what they’ve done to make their show a success.

This list of the best books on podcasting is going to get you started quickly so that you can launch your show with a bang!

1. Podcasting for Dummies

There are a lot of outdated books out there on podcasting that don’t take into account new technology or marketing strategies that are working today.

Podcasting for Dummies is a great introductory guide on the subject of podcasting. You will learn how to set up your show, what equipment is out there, how to improve your voice, and more.

You can think of this as a textbook resource that you can reference at later dates in time.

If you’ve bought other books under the “for dummies” brand, then you know what to expect. It was written by Tee Morris and Chuck Tomasi.

2. Podcasting for Beginners: Start, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

This easy-to-read guide will show you how to start, grow, and monetize your podcast. I wrote it from my own REAL experience growing a show to more than 150,000 downloads!

When I started my podcast, I was 24 years old, completely clueless about audio editing, and a painfully introverted public speaker. I was very, very meek.

I had no idea what I was doing, and it showed. They were horrible! I must have bored my early listeners to tears!

My voice sounded like a robot. Sometimes, I would “shout” and talk like an infomercial salesman because I wanted to sound more confident. It was really bad…

But, I kept at it. I kept trying. I kept growing. Most importantly, I kept learning.

Oh boy, am I glad I did. Over the next few years, I’d go on to:

  • Amass more than 150,000 downloads
  • Develop a fan base of loyal subscribers who “binge listen” to my show
  • Get to interview amazing entrepreneurs, authors, and award-winning podcasters.

I created this guide for you, because it’s the book that I wish I had available to me. The techniques, strategies, and resources that you’ll discover in this guide will literally supercharge your podcast.

3. Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio

Of course, you gotta know enough about podcasting to be able to produce a show. However, if that’s ALL you can do, you’re not going to get very far.

One of the MAJOR reasons that listeners tune into podcasts can be summed up in one word: storytelling.

You have to know how to weave a story around an event. This is what peaks curiosity and makes listeners give you their undivided attention.

When you ask the right questions, you can even get your guests to tell stories that will make them laugh, cry, or open up with new revelations.

This book shares with you some of the storytelling secrets behind today’s most popular podcasts and radio shows.

4. Podcast Launch

This book was written by John Lee Dumas, who is the host of the 7 day a week Entrepreneur on Fire podcast.

The EOFire podcast has been downloaded more than 12 million times and is responsible for earning six figures in sponsorship income.

The book goes through topics like what is podcasting, how to produce and edit your podcast, and how to grow your show.

You’ll learn about many of the introductory topics that you’ll need to master if you want to launch your own show.

It leads into an online course which goes more in-depth into podcasting tips, advice, and lessons.

5. Profitable Podcasting

Profitable Podcasting goes through everything that you need to know if you want to start your own show.

The author starts out by saying that podcasting is a very powerful form of content marketing and that it’s not as crowded as the blogging marketplace.

Content marketing refers to the concept of using free content as a way to build a relationship with your customers.

By putting out content, you’re helping them in a small way, and a certain percentage will become customers.

This book will get you up to speed on the best practices for starting a show and the various ways that you can publish one online.

6. Introduction to Podcast Technology

If you find that the technology aspect of podcasting is holding you back, then this book is a great guide for learning about the hardware that works behind the scenes.

I’m talking about microphones, software, accessories, media hosts, and more.

As more and more people start shows, the bar is being raised for the quality of your audio. You can’t get away with a horrible-sounding show.

This book will share with you the essential tools that you need to record, produce, and launch your podcast.

It’s a good companion to some of the other guides out there that focus on marketing.

7. Podcastnomics

Podcastnomics is an older book, but many of the points are made for beginning podcasters are still accurate.

You can use this book to start your own educational or entertainment show that earns revenue for your business.

It serves as a primer on this new medium and how you can use it to spread your message, attract listeners, and earn income.

Interestingly enough, Rob Walch the VP of podcasters relations at Libysn wrote the afterword for this book.

The author has written a few other books on the topic of podcasting and “audiopreneurs.”

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